Event info

Ladermon Trail 2024 – Cross-country race through the landscape of  Nízký Jeseník mountains

When: start 12. 10. 2024  10.00 AM
Where: Chata Pod Věží (START/FINISH)
Na Pevnůstce 184/32, Olomouc -Radíkov, http://www.chataradikov.cz/
Distance: 15 km/460 meters in height (time limit – 3 hours), gpx 15 km
30 km/940 meters in height (time limit – 5 hours),  gpx 30 km
Registration: 7:30 AM – 9:30 AM, 12. 10. 2024 in the start area (Chata Pod Věží)
Starting fee: registration until 15. 7. 2024: 400,- CZK (15 km)/ 500,- CZK (30 km), foreign payment 16,- EUR/20,- EUR 

registration until 15. 8. 2024: 500,- CZK (15 km)/ 600,- CZK (30 km), foreign payment 20,- EUR/24,- EUR

registration until 08. 10. 2024: 600,- CZK (15 km)/700,- CZK (30 km),foreign payment 24,- EUR/28,- EUR

In case of not filling the registration capacity on the spot: 28,- EUR (15 km)/32,- EUR (30 km)

Transfer to account 102 725 1525/5500 within five days after registration.
Transferring the already paid fee to another competitor is possible if you cannot attend the race. Please notify us by email: ladermon@seznam.cz no later than October 8, 2024

Refreshment station: one on the 15 km route, two on the 30 km route
Categories: Men M1: 18-40 years and Men M2: 41 years and over
Women Ž1: 18-40 years
and Women Ž2: 41 years and over
Awards: Award for the top six in each category, participant enamel mug for everyone who finishes within the time limit.
Facilities: changing room, toilets, showers and restaurant near the start/finish line. The entry fee also includes one hot meal and a drink.
Parking: in place of start/finish (paved area – fort, grassy area – recreation centre Chata Pod Věží),  parking fee 30,- CZK
Capacity: max. 300 competitors (total for both routes)
Online registration: online registration till 8. 10. 2024 (on the day of the race only in case of free places until the maximum capacity is reached)
Contact: Ladermon Team, z.s.,
Mariánské Údolí 72, Hlubočky 783 65, the Czech Republic
www.ladermon.cz, e-mail: ladermon@seznam.cz, phone number(s): +420 602 236 118, +420 604 848 674, 420 739 531 112The event was made possible by the Czech State Forest, s.p. and the Metropolitan Chapter of St. Wenceslas in Olomouc

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